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200|1 |□a吴耀宗全集□9wu yao zong quan ji□h-
| |第三卷□i抗战后期及国共内战时期(1942-1949)□h下册□f邢福增编
210| |□a香港□c中文大学出版社□d2018
215| |□a66,370页□c图□d23cm
300| |□a吴宗素先生赞助出版
300| |□a内部阅览
312| |□a英文题名:The collected works of -
| |Y.T. Wu. Volume 3, The last ph-
| |ase of the second Sino-Japanes-
| |e war and the KMT-CCP civil wa-
| |r(1942-1949). Book 1
510|1 |□aCollected works of Y.T. Wu.□-
| |hVolume 3□iThe last phase of t-
| |he second Sino-Japanese war an-
| |d the KMT-CCP civil war(1942-1-
| |949)□hBook 1□zeng
606|0 |□a基督教□z1942-1949□j文集
690| |□aB978□v5
701| 0|□a邢福增□9xing fu zeng□4编
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