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200|1 |□a清宫后妃首饰图典□Aqing gong hou fei -
| |shou shi tu dian□dJewelry of t-
| |he empress and imperial concub-
| |ines in the collection of the -
| |palace museum□f故宫博物院编□zeng
210| |□a北京□c故宫出版社□d2012
215| |□a263页□c图□d29×29cm
300| |□a故宫经典
330| |□a本书分为头饰篇、耳饰篇、项饰篇、首饰篇及佩饰篇,共收集2-
| |57件套文物,其中不乏深藏于皇宫、从未露面的珠宝首饰。
510|1 |□aJewelry of the empress and i-
| |mperial concubines in the coll-
| |ection of the palace museum□zeng
606|0 |□a后妃□x首饰□y中国□z清代□j图录
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711|02|□a故宫博物院□Agu gong bo wu yuan□4编
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